Thursday, August 18, 2011

trente-cinq: Where'd All The Time Go?

Fugi Provia
Salt Lake City, Utah
November 2007

Four years ago yesterday, I moved to SLC. Fresh out of high school. Knowing no one. Literally. Or what exactly I was doing. Much less where I was going or where I would end up. So much has happened since then. If someone had told me this is where I would be today, that this is what my life would look like, I probably wouldn't have believed it. I am an entirely different person than I was when this year began just eight months ago. Four years seems absolutely foreign. It's so strange to think about. How much life can change so quickly. Did all of that actually happen? Was that who I was? I think so, yes - but sometimes it all just feels like snapshots with space in between. Some moments you remember so well, and some seem to not even feel like a reality anymore.

Where did all the time go? 
It's starting to fly. 

The summer is winding down. You can feel it walking away. At least I can. And soon, our city will look like this again. The past three months have been nothing short of amazing. And they came at a time when I needed it more than ever. I can only hope that those who I've become close with this summer know what they have done for me. In the case that they don't though... Here are a few thank you's I have been itching to get out.

Spencer: For Saturday morning's at The Rose. For Midnight in Paris. For Escalante. For everything, really. I owe your grandma.
Brooke: For being just about the only person I can talk to when I'm bummed out. For the June Gallery Stroll. For going slow on your bike for me sometimes. For the best summer ever.
Pearl: For sharing my love for sweet things. For fixing my hair. For being one of the funniest people I know. And for being one of the greatest.
Josphen: For having the best dance party of the summer. With the best iPhone videos ever. For the way you take compliments. For your name and the way you tell the story. For your beautiful hair. 
Ryan: For poetry. For late nights in the park. For the letter to Ben & Jerry. For Flowers. For knowing so many facts. And for good conversation. 
Casie: For sharing my love for dance. Even though I know you're way better. For laughing as much as me. For making me laugh. For your feelings on The Tree of Life. And for headstands. 
Jeffrey: For giving me the middle name of Aphrodite. For waffles and for frites. And for sharing the stars with me.
Sarah: For Michael Jackson break downs. For being so giving. For lunch breaks. And for massages. 
Drew: For being there after the two most traumatic events of my summer - thorn to eyeball and car crash. For being so much taller than me. For Black Lips and crashing on the couch with me. For Fleet Foxes too.
Justin: For helping me learn to slackline. For fixing up my bike basket. For actually having the same bike as me. And for how much you care about your friends.

Sentimental, I know. But I mean it all. A lot, actually. And more.

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